Sunday, 22 February 2015

Final round of TCA Winter series.

Yesterday morning I woke at 8:45 for the final round of TCA winter bouldering series. My dad and I left the house in our big white van at 9:45. We managed to get there just about 10:00, ready for the registration.

I had a look at all the 15 problems we had, and I read them with my friend Carla. Afterwards we done our warm-up and stretches, we also done some purples (easy), greens, blacks and blues (all reasonably easy). Not long after that I found myself on problem1. I managed to flash all the problems up to 8 then they got really hard.

I did manage to get a few after problem 8 but not all on my first attempt. Problem 13 and above were so hard I didn’t even manage to get off the ground.  I came in 3rd place in the qualifiers but because I rushed in to the problems I was early finishing so that lead to me having a lengthy break in-between qualifiers and the 2nd round (snakes and ladders). 

Snakes and ladders was a bit confusing at first but after it had been explained I understood it better. For snakes and ladder there were 5 different problems, some age groups had the same as others so that made the queue quite long. Everybody started at problem 1 and if you topped problem one then you could move on to problem 2. I managed to get to the last problem but just missed the bonus hold.  We had 2 hours to do that round but I was quite lucky and didn’t have to wait as long as some others, so I finished in less than an hour. All that meant was that I got an extra-long break! When we found out the results we still had to wait another half an hour, I managed to draw with Carla in 1st place.

Just before the finals started we were allowed 6 minutes viewing time. When it was my turn to go out I went to the wrong problem!!! The judge quite quickly noticed that I was meant to be on one at the other side… Ooops! Despite the fact that I only had 2 minutes to read the route and also climb it I managed to flash it. It felt like it was only 3 minutes I was in isolation but it was actually over 10 minutes. When it was my turn again I went out and did go to the right problem but went up the wrong side of the volume so that I got on my 2nd attempt.
2nd time better....
 And finally when I went out to my final problem I did manage to flash it but it was definitely by far the hardest I had  topped all day, not to mention the fact that I also pulled my muscle in my thigh on the last move. Carla and I drew first again so it came back to our score in the qualifiers, which meant I came in 2nd. That's the winter series over and I am happy to say I came in 3rd overall after 5 hard rounds. I'll definitely be looking to improve for next years series :)

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog.

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