Wednesday, 7 September 2016

SYCC and SYSC 2016 Ratho

Saturday 3rd of September... 
On Saturday morning I woke up and got ready. I made a packed lunch, and we set out. We headed through to Edinburgh, it took us about 45 minutes, to get to EICA and when we did the place was mobbed!! The first thing I done was meet up with everyone from Glasgow, once everyone was sorted and put our gear away we done a team warm-up with Willis.
After the warm-up we done some bouldering, gradually going up in the grades. they soon called us over and we listened to the usual rules. Everyone started to go over to their first route, mine was a route on the end of the comp wall. It looked really easy and nobody seemed bothered by it. In the climbing order I was near the middle, this was good because it meant I could watch some people climb but I'm also not at the very back. Most people managed to top it before me which gave me confidence. When it came to my turn I wasn't too nervous about it. I also managed to top it. It was really easy and all the holds where jugs. 

First route, photo Sandy Carr

First route, photo Dad...

We had a quick water break before moving onto the second route. This route made me a little more nervous because the start look quite technical. I was second last to climb this time so I had plenty of time until my turn. I watched the first few people do it before going and having some pasta. I then went back and waited until my shot, it felt like I had been waiting forever. I didn't managed to top the second route, but I got pretty close and was happy with my performance. the start wasn't really as bad as i had expected which was good and I got to about the fourth hold away just when I timed out. 

Second route, photo Sandy Carr
While waiting for the results I went and done the speed. I think I came 5th in that which is alright but I need a lot more practice if I'm wanting to win. I was happy to hear that I had made finals but in 5th place. I quickly had a sandwich and headed for the boulder room which was where they had the isolation. I kept warm and moving in isolation. I done some easy boulders and some light stretching. When I first heard that we had a climb to the left had side if the old comp wall I got a little nervous because I don't tend to climb on that wall, at the same time i was super excited though. as soon as we got out to the wall for our viewing time, everybody read the route and went through it. the route didn't look too bad except from one move in the middle and the overhang at the very top of the route. because 6 qualified and I was 5th it meant I was out second, so as soon as we got back into isolation I made sure my fingers were warmed up, done some more easy bouldering. it was soon my turn so I tied into the rope and got ready to go out and climb the route. as soon as I got to the route I quickly ran over the sequence one final time before jumping on it. the first part was fine and to my surprise the move that i thought would be difficult wasn't so bad. I continued on and got to the overhang, I managed to grab one last hold before my hand slipped and I came off. even though I didn't top it, I was happy with the way I climbed. once i got to the bottom I sat with my dad and watched all the other competitors. When everyone had finished we all sat for a few minutes until the results came back. me and 3 others had drawn in first place, so they put it back to time and count backs. because of that I came fourth. but I was the best from Scotland and got Scottish Champion for the 2nd year in a row! :)) 
Happy Champion...

My trophy, lit with a laser pen.

The speed climbing was done at the end of the lead climbing, i was up first against Lexie...She beat me but i Managed to get a personal best coming under 27 seconds. I'll work on this each time i visit Ratho from now on :)

Lexie and me, phoo Sandy Carr


My local Newspaper :)

 Thanks for reading :)